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Biodiversity Production
Project (JTIBio)

The Biodiversity Production Project (JTIBio) brings together activities aimed at participatory biodiversity monitoring and promoting sound conservation practices. Its primary goal is to support the preservation and enhancement of ecosystem services on rural properties. Initiated in 2014, the project is a collaboration between Japan Tobacco International (JTI) and SPVS. To date, JTIBio has engaged 84 small rural landowners in the state of Paraná. These efforts directly contribute to the maintenance and enhancement of ecosystem services on rural properties.


Foto: Mariana Cioato ©

Why should I support the initiative?

Agriculture and biodiversity are intricately connected, and the sustainability of agricultural operations relies on the rational and responsible use of natural resources. Minimizing adverse effects on biodiversity is essential for maintaining agricultural productivity, facilitating pollination, controlling pests, preserving soil fertility, and ensuring the quantity and quality of water, among numerous other ecosystem services.

  • The Global Risks Report, published by The World Economic Forum in January 2020, indicated for the first time in history that environmental threats are among the five greatest risks to the economy in the long term. These highlighted risks underscore the critical need for achieving a harmonious balance between wealth generation and the preservation of natural heritage. Such preservation is vital as it provides essential ecosystem services crucial for agricultural and industrial production, as well as for the overall well-being of society.

  • SPVS believes that through initiatives like JTIBio and others alike, custom-tailored for each potential partner and informed by comprehensive analysis of the ecological landscape, biodiversity conservation efforts can be scaled up effectively. By aligning with sound land management practices, these actions have the potential to generate positive collective impacts.
    ●     Good biodiversity conservation practices in rural areas are a way of meeting this understanding. As well as helping to maintain ecosystem services, they enable agricultural production for current and future generations, guaranteeing the sustainability of the sector.
    ●     Effective monitoring and targeted interventions play a crucial role in mitigating the costs associated with accessing water, controlling pests, pollinating crops, maintaining soil fertility, and other essential agricultural activities.


Here are the municipalities where the project has been primarily focused in the state of Paraná:

During the initial phase of the project, technicians from both organizations engaged in discussions with rural producers to gain insights into the environmental conditions of properties integrated with the company in Paraná. Drawing upon this data and with the assistance of JTI agricultural technicians and producers, indicators for monitoring biodiversity within the context of small rural properties in the Araucaria Forest and Campos Gerais were established. To ensure the continuous monitoring of data over time, a Participatory Biodiversity Monitoring Protocol was developed. This protocol not only facilitates the recording of data but also offers guidance to landowners on implementing good conservation practices on their properties.

Propriedade atendida pelo Projeto _ Marina Cioato (4).jpg

Who is it aimed at?

Japan Tobacco International (JTI) is the main partner in the development of this project, which serves its chain of rural producers in the state of Paraná. So far, the project has benefited producers in the municipalities of Agudos do Sul, Campo do Tenente, Ipiranga, Ivaí, Mallet, Palmeira, Paula Freitas, Paulo Frontin, Piên, Quitandinha, Rebouças, Rio Azul, Rio Negro, São João do Triunfo and São Mateus do Sul.

Are you interested in supporting the Project? Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have or to discuss how to initiate partnership proposals.

Visita a Propriedade atendida pelo Projeto _ Marina Cioato (2).jpg


Having been running since 2014, the project has so far involved 84 small rural producers in Paraná, in the municipalities of Agudos do Sul, Campo do Tenente, Ipiranga, Ivaí, Mallet, Palmeira, Paula Freitas, Paulo Frontin, Piên, Quitandinha, Rebouças, Rio Azul, Rio Negro, São João do Triunfo and São Mateus do Sul. Over the years, the initiative has yielded great results, such as: 

  •  Increased agricultural productivity: Well-conserved natural areas play a crucial role in boosting production, primarily through services like pollination and natural pest control, which enhance agricultural productivity.

  • Maintenance of ecosystem services: Preserving well-conserved areas ensures the continuity of vital services for agriculture, including water provision, soil structure maintenance, fertility preservation, and nutrient cycling.

  • Skills training: By providing training to agricultural technicians and producers, they acquire the necessary expertise to implement agricultural practices that coexist harmoniously with conserved natural environments. This ensures the way for future development and adding green value to agricultural products.

In 2021, a total of 19 technicians from JTI and SPVS convened to facilitate interactive sessions, discussions, and presentations covering various topics, including the integration of ecosystem services into business strategies. Subsequently, from June to August, a series of technical visits were conducted to 43 rural properties participating in the project across 15 municipalities in Paraná.

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